


The Passion of the Christ (2004)





Persepolis (2007)








Amélie (2001)



Ashes of Time Redux (2009)


Yes Man (2008)



I Am Legend Alternative End (2007)


I Am Legend (2007)






The Mist (2007)



The Love of Siam (2007)


Australia (2008)



Memories of Murder(2003)





Rachel Getting Married (2008)



RocknRolla (2008)


The Kingdom (2007)



The Great Escape (1963)






The Good, the Bad, the Weird (2008)

向伟大的西部片致敬!向Sergio Leone和Clint Eastwood致敬!


Jodhaa Akbar (2008)



Buono, il brutto, il cattivo., Il (1966)

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


Per qualche dollaro in più (1965)

For a Few Dollars More


The Hurt Locker (2008)






Man on Wire (2008)


Black Hawk Down (2001)



True Lies (1994)



Revolutionary Road (2008)



Pride and Glory (2008)



World Builder

I can't build a world like this for you, but I hope I can make some improvements to the one we already have.
Enjoy this, please!

World Builder from Bruce Branit on Vimeo.


The Reader (2008)



The Rock (1996)





Per un pugno di dollari (1964)

A Fistful of Dollars


Flammen & Citronen (2008)



Mystic River (2003)



The Wackness (2008)



The Usual Suspects (1995)


Knocked Up (2007)



Ghost Town (2008)



The Usual Suspects (1994)



Body Language

1. Stand still!
2. Stop fidgeting!
3. Head up!
4. Make slow head movements.
5. Walk slowly and smoothly.
6. Hold your drink by your side.


The Manchurian Candidate (1962)



Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008)


Crossing (2008)



Marche de l'empereur, La (2005)

March of the Penguins (USA)
The Emperor's Journey (International: English title)
  0、 画面、音乐纯净唯美;
  1、 寓意简单但深刻:伟大与渺小,责任与义务,使命与个性,理想与现实,热情与毅力,美好与残忍,集体与独立,自然与生命,情感与本能,忠贞与放纵,幸福与苦难,偶然与必然,动物与人,神与我……尽在其中。真他妈的一沙一宇宙!
   2、 有些朋友在城市里压力太大,不免对婚姻有些非正统的看法,看了片子多半会有所感悟。有个伴侣是不是更好些?初生的毛茸茸的生命是不是很可爱?香火的延续到 底重要不?眼看着生命的诞生与成长并参与其中,应该很美妙吧?现代都市生活的压力比得过南极严酷的自然环境么?我们需要什么水平的物质生活?
  3、 这片子拍起来应该比较困难。作为外行,我根本没法想象他们是如何拍摄的。

The Wrestler (2008)



Pineapple Express (2008)



The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)


囧男孩/ 囧rz男孩(2008)






How to Lose Friends & Alienate People (2008)





In Search of a Midnight Kiss (2007)






Seven Pounds (2008)





The Magic Hour(2008)



Jerry Maguire (1996)








Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004)


Pick Up Artist Guide - From Geek to PUA

Pick Up Artist Guide - From Geek to PUA

Even though I’d like to think I’ve always had confidence, a huge backbone and the guts to do whatever I put my mind to, it’s probably not the truth. You see, none of this stuff comes easy; you have to work at it. My ability has always been to simply complicated concepts, so for you, I have decided to break down one of the many paths that you can take to go from sitting crouched over at your computer every night to being tremendously successful with women.

Here’s my starting point, and if you’re more advanced than this, then be grateful, it will only be easier for you to progress. From the starting point, we’ll progress to being a man that women desire and with the skills to attract beautiful women.


At this point, I’m assuming that you’re out of shape, not only physically, but mentally as well. Your activities are mostly sedentary ones such as being on the computer, playing video games, watching TV, playing with your cat. You might occasional participate in physical activities, but these are few and far between. Regardless, you feel you can justify this because you just “Don’t have any time”.

In terms of mental fitness, you don’t really know what to talk about with girls…. The only subjects you can properly converse on are things that are specifically related to your life. You could probably talk about the funny picture you saw on the Internet or what you did at work/school, but other than that… nothing comes to mind.

Lastly, you’re really unsure of what attracts women to men and have very little experience with them. You might have had a girlfriend once, but it really didn’t work out and you still beat yourself up over it even though it happened a few years ago.

Level 1

First, we need to build a solid foundation for you. What you need the MOST is what I like to call “Life Energy”. Life energy comes from the excitement that you get when you’re about to embark on something new. It also comes from accomplishments, and you’ll feel it every time you move closer to being the man you want to be.

ACTION STEP 1 You want to get your health handled, which includes your weight, skin… both of which will improve with daily exercise. The trick to exercising? Get into a short and VERY specific routine that you do 4-5 times a week.

Personally, I do push-ups every single time I wake up. I don’t strain myself, I take it easy but it really wakes me up and makes quite a difference in my daily energy levels. I also go walking or jogging every weekday that I’m at home.

The rule is: If I’m home, I go jogging or walking. If I walk, I do it for 30 minutes, if I jog, it’s only 10 minutes. So I end up jogging most of the time because I don’t feel like doing a 30 minute walk.

You should find your own specific routines, and make sure that they become as habitual as brushing your teeth before you go to sleep. You must do it even if you don’t feel like it!

Get your health handled and remember it’s not the end result that counts; it’s the fact that you are headed in the right direction that’s important.

ACTION STEP 2 Start learning about women from men who are successful with women. If all your friends are unsuccessful with women, do NOT listen to them. That’s the first mistake that MOST guys make when learning with women… they talk to people who actually don’t have a clue how to interact successfully with women. Remember the old saying about the blind lead the blind?

ACTION STEP 3 Instead, find friends that are actually successful with women. Befriend them, hang out with them, and see what they do. That’s really going to be your BEST option. If you find it difficult to find friends that are truly successful with women, then the second best option is to read up on it… I highly recommend Gambler’s PUA Home Study Course and videos, they are the absolute best material for guys that want to learn how to attract women naturally, without any gimmicks. What I really like about Gambler is that he has so many videos of pickup, you learn so much from watching him at work!

Here’s what you want to KNOW about women, make sure you know the answers to these questions. If you can’t write out answers to these questions, then you NEED to do your research and figure them out.

General Questions
- What are the elements that attract women to men?
- Why do guys get stuck in the “Let’s just be friends” mode with women, and how can you avoid it?
- What makes a guy good looking to women?

- Describe two different approaches you can take to talk to a woman you want to meet, what are openers?
- What is social value, why is it important to you?
- How do most screw up and give this value away when they talk to women for the first time?

Pick Up
- What will you talk about with women to create interest, attraction?
- How can you tell if she’s interested in you?

All the answers to these questions are in Gambler’s Home Study System in the PUATraining Vault (Highly recommended, you’re a transformed man after this program) and in David DeAngelo’s Double Your Dating book (Cheaper, Shorter).

Level 2

You’re headed in the right direction in terms of physical health. You’ve taken some initiative and are actually following through with it. You still find yourself sitting at home more often than not, and you’re definitely not talking to women frequently enough. You might have tried recently, but it really didn’t go over well. Yet, you’re going in the right direction… you’re looking for answers and if you persist long enough, you’ll achieve your goal.

Alright, now we get to the fun stuff, which is your appearance. You should already be working out, and that’s the important part. Working out improves your posture, skin and gives you an attractive glow. It’s difficult to describe, but people will instinctively know that you’ve just been working out, even if you’re still overweight and even if YOU don’t see any immediate results.

Assuming you’re working out, you’ll want to take care of the easier things.

ACTION STEP 1 First, get a haircut, a different one and… a GOOD one. If you don’t know what’s in style, and let’s be honest, you probably don’t since you aren’t in the hair industry, then go find someone who does know. Expect to pay AT LEAST $40-$100 for the haircut from a hair stylist. Look up the best place in your city and find a stylist that knows hair. Remember, when you’re getting that $100 haircut, you’re not actually paying for the cut itself, but more for the advice on WHAT to get as a haircut. If they can’t give you advice, then find someone else.

I guarantee you’ll feel awkward going in to this new hair salon, and telling them you want them to recommend you something. Just suck it up, they’ll take good care of you, and you’ll feel much better after you’re done with it.

You don’t always need to go back to the same place, once you get that new hair style, you can go to a cheaper place to simply maintain it. Make sure it’s a new look… because it will encourage you to adopt a new personality.

ACTION STEP 2 A wise man once said, “It’s not because your teeth are ugly that you have to have dress ugly.” Listen to this guys… even if you’re dealing with certain physical issues, it doesn’t mean you can’t make the rest of your appearance as good as possible.

So where do you start? Well, first with facial hair. Whatever your style is, make sure it’s perfect. If you’re clean shaven, then make sure there isn’t a single hair out of place. If you’re going for a 5 o’clock shadow, then make sure it’s consistent. There’s nothing worse than a guy with random facial hairs.

ACTION STEP 3 Afterward, get yourself a pair of nice new shoes. The fancier the shoes are the better. I can’t emphasize enough how important shoes are, they’ll completely change the way people perceive you. (Yes, people ARE superficial)

ACTION STEP 4 Finally, you’ll want to make sure that your clothes are relatively new, ironed and fit well. Style over comfort. If you’re wearing baggy jeans that are 4 years old, then it’s time to get new ones. Same goes to that 2 year old shirt, throw it out. Lastly, when shopping remember, quality over quantity. Go with designer clothes and buy less.

In case you’re tempted to buy the same things over and over again… and most guys are, make sure you go with a girl that has style. Most girls will be happy to go shopping with clueless guys and they’ll be more than happy to tell you that your butt looks greats in those new jeans. If you want a little more advice on how to look good, make sure to read up on our looks article. (referencing how to look good article)

ACTION STEP 5 Start talking to people… lots of people. Talk to everyone you meet to build your social skills. Get into the habit of saying hello to people you wouldn’t normally talk to in your daily life. From the bus driver, to the cashier, to the waitress and even that random guy just walking in the street. Listen, if you can’t talk to a guy you don’t care about, then you’re going to have huge problems when trying to talk to a girl you’re interested in. Get in the habit of striking up random conversations with everyone you meet. Just like working out, talking to strangers is a skill you need to slowly build up over time.

- New Haircut Style
- New Facial Hair style
- New Shoes
- New Clothes
- Start talking to strangers, everywhere

Level 3

At this point, you’re still on your way to getting your health handled, and your self esteem has definitely risen to higher levels. Let’s recap, by now, you should have a new haircut, new clothes, new knowledge about women and more socializing experience. If you’ve made It here, then know that there’s still a lot to go, but from this point, you’re pretty much assured to be successful, it’s just a matter of time.

ACTION STEP 1 Once you have a solid foundation, you’re ready to really go out and meet people. First, you’re going to want to work on openers. An opener is a simple term used to describe the beginning of a conversation with a girl you want to meet. It can range from being overly complicated such as an opinion opener, to the easiest opener of all, which is just saying: “hi”. So prepare your opener in advance because when the time comes, you won’t know what to say. If you already took care of the opener, then you can just go in without thinking… and if you happen to think of something better on the way in, that’s fine. Otherwise, just use that default opener.

Sample Openers
- “Hey, are you guys shy? I’ve been standing over there for 5 minutes and you still haven’t said hi!”
- “I’d like a female opinion, who lies more? Men or women ?”
- “Hi, I just arrived in -any location name-

ACTION STEP 2 Go out and practice approaching. At this point, the only thing that’s really going to get you to the next level is some practice. So get out and talk to as many women as you can. It’s been said that you must approach at least 500 times to lose your fear of rejection, and some say it never entirely goes away. That being said, it really doesn’t take that long to get good at something. Just imagine how good you’ll be after you approach 20 women. Let me tell you, the improvements will be spectacular!

ACTION STEP 3 Write about your interactions with women. What went wrong, what was right… and even write what you COULD have said during your interaction. Ever think: “Ahh, I SHOULD have said THAT!” but when you were on the spot, you just didn’t think of it? Well, write it down. Eventually, a similar situation will arise and you’ll know exactly what to say the second time around.

- Learn some openers
- Practice, Practice, Practice,
- Review your interactions, think about what you could have done.

Level 4

This level is the hardest one to get to… why? Because if you’re at this level, it means that you’ve been practicing the art of approaching and you actually improved quite a bit with women. You should be proud of yourself because most guys don’t ever approach and then they wonder why they aren’t successful with women. Now if you’ve had bad interactions, that’s perfectly normal. You’re supposed to be rejected, because that’s when you really learn what you did wrong. In addition to experience, your overall image should continue to morph into a more modern, stylish individual. You should be at the point where, if you ran into one of your friends that you haven’t seen in a year, he would have a hard time recognizing you.

ACTION STEP 1 What usually happens at this point is you encounter a sticking point. You might be great at opening, but a poor story teller. Conversely, you might be a good story teller, but have no idea how to build rapport and attraction with someone. In this action step, you must identify what your sticking point is and figure out a way to overcome it. The absolute easiest way to overcome your sticking point is simply ask for help from other guys that have successfully overcome it. If you don’t have any of these guys in your life, then the best resource for all this knowledge is going to be at puatraining.com

ACTION STEP 2 Practice, practice, practice. You must go out until your game becomes part of you and you don’t even to think about it. When you see a beautiful girl you want to approach, you immediately approach her without even worrying about what you’re going to say or do. You just do it. When you get good at something, you don’t think, you just do it. Get to that point.

- Identify your sticking point(s)
- Devise ways to overcome them
- Practice

Level 5

The Pickup Artist. Yes, if you get to this point, you can now consider yourself a pickup artist, a guy who can successfully interact with women and create attraction on a consistent basis. Speaking to you should be a fun and enjoyable experience. At this point, you’re ready to teach your knowledge to others and you can pin-point where others make mistakes when interacting with women.

ACTION STEP 1 They say the best way to learn something is to teach it, and at this point in the game, you should be teaching someone else less knowledgeable than you. Show them what you do, how to do it and you’ll realize how far you’ve come. Don’t be frustrated when they make silly mistakes. Instead, help them correct it; it takes time to get it right.

ACTION STEP 2 Similar to martial arts, there are many different styles that are all effective. Once you have mastered a certain style, it’s time to learn another one. Begin learning a new pickup style, the same way as you’ve learned the previous one. Once you’ve already mastered a certain pickup style, learning another one is easy. Eventually, you’ll get to a point where you can blend all the styles together and form your own.

- Begin teaching others
- Learn a new style

Level 6

At this point, you have developed your own pickup style which you have refined over the years. You understand the differences between direct and indirect approaches and which one is more advantageous in a particular situation. You can explain why the techniques work, why people behave the way they do, you can finally explain and dissect human interactions. Women don’t seem irrational anymore even though you still think they are still a little crazy. You find joy in knowing that the world makes sense after all, and you’re ready to move on to other things that are now more important to you.

ACTION STEP 1 Find what you’re really passionate about and apply everything you learned about human interactions to it. Be thankful you’ve made it this far, be grateful for all the wonderful people in your life and finally, be humble, anyone can learn this, it’s not that hard.

- Find your passion in life




Katyn (2007)


You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...


41. When shopping at Carrefour some laowai stares you down for catching you looking into his basket while you wonder to yourself what laowai’s eat.
43. You have a pinky fingernail an inch long.
45. You start to watch CCTV9 and feel warm and comforted by the governments great work.
48. When you are able to jump the queue because the idiot laowai left 2 centimeters between themselves and the person in front of them.
49. You have absolutely no sense of traffic rules.
50. You start calling other foreigners Lao Wai.
51. You start cutting off large vehicles on your bicycle.
53. You think no car is complete without a tissue box on the rear shelf and a feather duster in the trunk.
55. When looking out the window, you think “Wow, so many trees!” instead of “Wow, so much concrete!”
57. You think “white pills, blue pills, and pink powder” is an adequate answer to the question “What are you giving me, doctor?”
58. Someone doesn’t stare at you and you wonder why.
59. Firecrackers don’t wake you up.
61. You wear out your vehicle’s horn before its brakes.
63. Forks feel funny.
64. Chinese remakes of Western songs sound better than the originals.
66. You realize that smiling and nodding is Chinese body language for, “Go away; leave me alone.”
70. You think of “salad” as diced apples in mayonnaise
73. Your handshake is weakening by the day.
74. You compiled a 3-page list of weird English first names that Chinese people of your acquaintance have chosen for themselves.
76. You and a friend get on a bus, sit at opposite ends of the bus, and continue your conversation by yelling from one end to the other.
77. You cannot say a number without making the appropriate hand sign.
78. You like the taste of Green Tea and Chivas.
79. You start recognizing the Chinese songs on the radio and sing along to them with the taxi driver.
80. You feel insulted when you enter a restaurant and only three waiters welcome you.

You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...


19. You tell friends their house back in your home country has bad feng shui.


20. You think that a $7 shirt is a rip-off.


22. You buy an XXXL T-shirt in store when you returned home.


24. You have no reservations about spitting sun flower seeds on the restaurant floor.


25. You think it’s silly to buy a new bike when it’ll get stolen soon and stolen bikes are half the price.


27. You feel cheated if you don’t receive a full head and shoulder massage when getting a haircut.


29. You no longer wait in line, but go immediately to the head of the queue.


30. It becomes exciting to see if you can get on the lift before anyone can get off.


32. You no longer wonder how someone who earns US$ 400.00 per month can drive a Mercedes.


34. You believe everything you read in the local newspaper.


35. You have developed an uncontrollable urge to follow people carrying small flags.


36. You regard it as part of the adventure when the waiter correctly repeats your order and the cook makes something completely different.


37. You are not surprised when three men with a ladder show up to change a light bulb.


38. You look over people’s shoulder to see what they are reading.


39. You honk your horn at people because they are in your way as you drive down the sidewalk.


You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...

You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...


5. You smoke in crowded elevators.


6. All white people look the same to you.


8. You find state-employed retail staff helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.


9. You no longer need tissues to blow your nose.


12. You think that the heavy air actually contains valuable nutrients that you need to stay healthy.


15. It’s OK to throw rubbish, including old fridges, from your 18th-floor window.


16. You believe that pressing the lift button 63 times will make it move faster.


17. You aren’t aware that one is supposed to pay for software.




You Know You've Lived in China Too Long When...

5. You smoke in crowded elevators.
6. All white people look the same to you.
8. You find state-employed retail staff helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.
9. You no longer need tissues to blow your nose.
12. You think that the heavy air actually contains valuable nutrients that you need to stay healthy.
15. It’s OK to throw rubbish, including old fridges, from your 18th-floor window.
16. You believe that pressing the lift button 63 times will make it move faster.
17. You aren’t aware that one is supposed to pay for software.

19. You tell friends their house back in your home country has bad feng shui.
20. You think that a $7 shirt is a rip-off.
22. You buy an XXXL T-shirt in store when you returned home.
24. You have no reservations about spitting sun flower seeds on the restaurant floor.
25. You think it’s silly to buy a new bike when it’ll get stolen soon and stolen bikes are half the price.
27. You feel cheated if you don’t receive a full head and shoulder massage when getting a haircut.
29. You no longer wait in line, but go immediately to the head of the queue.
30. It becomes exciting to see if you can get on the lift before anyone can get off.
32. You no longer wonder how someone who earns US$ 400.00 per month can drive a Mercedes.
34. You believe everything you read in the local newspaper.
35. You have developed an uncontrollable urge to follow people carrying small flags.
36. You regard it as part of the adventure when the waiter correctly repeats your order and the cook makes something completely different.
37. You are not surprised when three men with a ladder show up to change a light bulb.
38. You look over people’s shoulder to see what they are reading.
39. You honk your horn at people because they are in your way as you drive down the sidewalk.
41. When shopping at Carrefour some laowai stares you down for catching you looking into his basket while you wonder to yourself what laowai’s eat.
43. You have a pinky fingernail an inch long.
45. You start to watch CCTV9 and feel warm and comforted by the governments great work.
48. When you are able to jump the queue because the idiot laowai left 2 centimeters between themselves and the person in front of them.
49. You have absolutely no sense of traffic rules.
50. You start calling other foreigners Lao Wai.
51. You start cutting off large vehicles on your bicycle.
53. You think no car is complete without a tissue box on the rear shelf and a feather duster in the trunk.
55. When looking out the window, you think “Wow, so many trees!” instead of “Wow, so much concrete!”
57. You think “white pills, blue pills, and pink powder” is an adequate answer to the question “What are you giving me, doctor?”
58. Someone doesn’t stare at you and you wonder why.
59. Firecrackers don’t wake you up.
61. You wear out your vehicle’s horn before its brakes.
63. Forks feel funny.
64. Chinese remakes of Western songs sound better than the originals.
66. You realize that smiling and nodding is Chinese body language for, “Go away; leave me alone.”
70. You think of “salad” as diced apples in mayonnaise
73. Your handshake is weakening by the day.
74. You compiled a 3-page list of weird English first names that Chinese people of your acquaintance have chosen for themselves.
76. You and a friend get on a bus, sit at opposite ends of the bus, and continue your conversation by yelling from one end to the other.
77. You cannot say a number without making the appropriate hand sign.
78. You like the taste of Green Tea and Chivas.
79. You start recognizing the Chinese songs on the radio and sing along to them with the taxi driver.
80. You feel insulted when you enter a restaurant and only three waiters welcome you.

Your friends can’t understand why you haven’t memorized your QQ
Even you start messing up “he” and “she” in English and also don’t get what the big deal is when you do
You go to a nightclub and jump on stage, go crazy dancing cos the locals think you are a movie star… and so do you!
You eat soup with chopsticks
You get on the bus and sleep right away.
You can’t decide if you love or hate the country you living in

A few shots of Bai jiu don’t even give you a buzz.
When someone says ’snack’, you think: salted cuttlefish.
You enjoy wearing flip flops on all occasions.
You get your haircut on the sidewalk.
You have grown used to the picture quality of pirated VCDs.
Badminton and ping pong are your main forms of exercise.
People with bright white teeth look frightening to you.
You find yourself exiting on a major highway…on your bike.
You draw characters on your hand to make yourself understood.
You ask people in what animal year they were born.
You can’t put a proper sentence together in your native language.
You developed an acquired taste for mooncakes.
Your building’s security guard is 4 times older than the building itself.
Thanks to karaoke, you know who has the most singing talent in your building.
You know it is useless to protest when the lady at the supermarket check-out wraps one toothbrush in 6 plastic bags.
You learnt to recognise Andy Lau, Leon Lai, Aaron Kwok and Jacky Cheung. AND JACKY CHAN.
A PhD in Nuclear Physics fluent in 7 languages irons your socks for a pittance but she is from the Philippines so it’s all right.
You use the word “Ayyiieeaaahh” every few sentences to convey surprise, pleasure, pain or anger.
You watch an american movie on HBO, with sub-titles, and try to read them.
Your work buddy taps you on the shoulder to talk to you, and you say “Bu Yan” (no thank you!) out of habit.
You offer to sell your own watch to a $2 Rolex street vendor, to fend him off.
When denying someone something they expected or counted on you just say “Sorry” (buhaoyise) with no explaination whatsoever.
You have a pet bird…which you walk.
When you take a cab, you give play-by-play driving directions to the driver.
The footprints on the toilet seat are your own.
You stop at the top or bottom of an escalator to plan your day.
You rank the decision making abilities of your staff by how long it takes them to reply “Up To You”.
You find that it saves time to stand and retrieve your hand luggage while the plane is on final approach.
A T-Bone steak with rice sounds just fine.
When listening to the pilot prove he cannot speak English, you no longer wonder if he can understand the air traffic controller.
You throw your trash out the window of your house, your car or bus you are on.
You regularly fumble for five minutes to find 10 jiao despite 10 people waiting in line behind you.
You ride around on your bicycle ringing a bell for some unknown f***ing reason.
You start telling a story to a new expat friend about the crazy Beijing girl you slept with 6 months ago and he replies that he knows her and she was his girlfriend at the time. Neither of you care.
Hookers buy you drinks.
You get your first case of bronchitus and you have never smoked a cigarette in your life.
The idea of seeing how this place will look at Expo 2010 and the Olympics actually appeals to you.
You haven’t cut you finger nails in 8 weeks.
In a meeting you say everything will be ‘wonderful’ and give no details.
You forget that the other person needs to finish speaking before you can start.
In the rain, you spot a vacant taxi which is 10 minutes away and you have already planned how you are going to jump out with great enthusiasm in the road, elbow everyone else trying to claim it, and wave your hands everywhere in a ‘look at me I’m a goal keeper’ kind of fashion.
You watch taxi drivers picking their noses whilst stuck in traffic. Instead of feeling disgusted, you actually admire along with them, the length and breadth of the bogie.
You see people outside wearing shower caps in the rain, and instead of thinking what a freak, you actually understand the practicality behind it. The same with clipping pegs on your trousers when riding a bike.
Your eating manners in restaurants are now totally shot. Elbows on tables and spitting food out onto your plate is now seen as being dead classy.
You start picking at other people’s dinner plates before they even offer you a taste.
You eat family style at any and all restaurants, Chinese or not.
You would rather wait on the street for an extra ten minutes for a 1.20, than pay the extra for a big cab.
You ask how much people are making and expect people to answer.
You talk louder than is necessary.
You think Yangshuo is a nice place for a holiday.
You go back home for a short visit, get in a car and start giving the driver directions in Chinese.
You have to pause and translate your phone number into English before telling it to someone.
You get used to having a before dinner, during dinner, and after dinner cigarette.
You wouldn’t think of buying any appliance that doesn’t come in lime green.
You ask fellow foreigners the all-important question “How long have you been here?” in order to be able to properly categorize them.
You seriously contemplate putting bathroom tiles on the outside of your house back home.
You can swear in 3 different dialects.
You stop enjoying telling newcomers to China “all about China”.
You are not surprised to wake up in the morning and find that the woman who stayed over last night has completely cleaned your apartment, even though you’ll probably never ever meet her again.
When you think it’s alright to stick your head into a stranger’s apartment to see if anybody’s home.
You see three people on a motorcycle and figure there’s room for two more.
Smoking is one of the dinner courses.
You speak Chinese to your foreign friends.
Chinese stop you on the street to ask for directions.
People who haven’t seen you for months don’t ask where you’ve been.
Metal scaffolding at construction sites seems much more dangerous than bamboo scaffolding.
Pizza just doesn’t taste right unless there’s sweet corn on it.
Eating at “Western” restaurants, you wait until after dessert to drink your soup.
That unopened bottle of XO has aged longer on your living room shelf than it ever did in France.
You can make elevators go faster by boarding first and taking over the controls.
You (men) roll your shirt up to your nipples.
You have a purse and you are male.
You would never think of entering your house without first removing your shoes.
You get offended when people admire your chopsticks skills.
You cannot say “Call me.” without making a pretend phone with your fingers and sticking to your ear.
You think your nose IS kind of big.
You forgot the real purpose of the mirrors in the car.
You think the head light for the car is only to see the street so it’s more save to switch on the high beam always.
You start to enjoy warm beer.
You think that Yao Ming is the best basketball player in the NBA.
You instinctviely shake out your clothes before wearing to remove any dust from drying on your balcony.
You don’t blink an eye when a complete stranger wants to take a photo of
you with his family.
You know the words to all the KTV songs (English and Chinese).
When you go back to your own country it feels odd wearing a seatbelt and you think its strange that you cant smoke in a taxi.
You start correcting Southerners on their Putonghua.
When you can’t imagine a meal without yi wan mi fan! (a bowl of rice).
When you go back to your home country and you find it odd that when going out to a restaurant, you don’t have 5 wait staff welcoming you at the same time.
You find it strange when everyone’s food at a restaurant is brought out at the same time.
You start making lists like this.
The smell of stinky dofu doesn't faze you anymore.
>- You complain about that price difference of DVDs/VCDs/CDs bought in the
>stores and on the streets.
>- You are not surprised when your garbage lady answers her cell phone and
>keeps digging through your trash!
>- You (female) stop wanting to be tanned in summer and start carrying an
>- You no longer feel that females look like prostitutes wearing tight short
>shorts in the summer.
>- It doesn't shock you anymore when you can see female's underwear through
>their dress.
>- You shove the guy before you back to where he stood half a minute before
>in the queue, barking a loud "hou mian, hou mian, ni nongmin!"
>- You dial the wrong number, and instead of saying "buhao yi shi, wo da cuo
>le..." you simply hang up.
>- You can open and hull sunflower seeds with your tongue.
>- You eat so many sunflower seeds you now have a dent in one or both of
>your front teeth.
>- You have a jar full of "fen" (Chinese pennies) at home.
>- You can climb 6 flights of stairs without a rest stop.
>- You dress according to the calendar instead of the weather, e.g. wearing
>3 or 4 layers in April -- even when it's 20 degrees Celsius outside.
>- You have trouble sleeping when you go home for a visit because it's just
>too darn quiet.
>- You feel at home when you hear mosquito's buzzing near your ear.
>- You can sing The Moon Represents My Heart -- in English and in Chinese.
>- You forget how to program a VCR at home because that is obsolete
>technology in China.
>- You wonder why everyone is so fat back home -- even the Asians!
>- You have ten different responses to the question, "Do you like China?"
>- You know ten different ways to point out a foreigner in Chinese.
>- You stare at other foreigners.
>- You stare back (especially at knockout women).
>- You point out foreigners to your Chinese friends even though you're
>foreign yourself.
>- You no longer find it humourous that the bus never really stops to pick
>people up, it just sort of slows down.
>- You find yourself asking anyone and everyone if they can make the price
>- You know words in Chinese for which you don't know the translation in
>- Your mashed potato has squid guts and fish heads in it...and you think it
>tastes fine.
>- You answer 'China' or some Chinese city when people ask where you're
>- You answer 'China' or some district name when people ask where you live.
>- You answer 'ni hao', giggle, and run away when someone says hello to you.
>- You pick your nose, burp, fart, and scratch so much even your Chinese
>friends get embarrassed.
>- You start thinking that stupid questions are reasonable.
>- You call home and your family tell you to speak faster and stop
>correcting their grammar and pronunciation.
>- You think that having the runs for 2 weeks is normal.
>- You don't have any idea what something is, but you'll eat it anyway.
>- If you just ate it and liked it, you ask what it is so you can order it
>next time.
>- You know what it is and you eat it anyway.
>- You have strict mental rules as to when you reply to a hello (ie person
>must be within a 20 foot semi circle radius and not with a group of men).
>- You completely ignore most people who say hello to you.
>- You have a conversation while sidestepping feces, vomit, and mysterious
>green puddles on the sidewalk without blinking.
>- You see a woman with dyed hair and trying to figure out of she's Chinese
>or foreign by walking fast to catch up.
>- You eat cake with chopsticks.
>- You don't eat your cake anymore, after all cake is for food fight only.
>- You've stopped wondering why it takes a 20 gallon flush to clear a 2
>ounce pee.
>- You answer 'So is mine.' when people say their English is so poor.
>- You convince yourself that it doesn't matter how dirty the cooks' hands
>are, cooking will fix it.
>- You think squats are great because no one can piss on the seat.
>- You think Yang Rei (CCTV9 'Dialogue' program) is an unbiased reporter.
>- You believe that anything done to you is because you're not culturally
>sensitive enough.
>- You stop wondering why they're not culturally sensitive to you, their
>- You are becoming proficient in 4 other languages: Mandarin, local
>dialect, Chinglish, and gibberish.
>- If there are only 4 screaming children running around the classroom, you
>consider it a good primary class.
>- If there are only 4 students sleeping, you consider it a good middle
>school class.
>- If there are only 4 dictionary obsessed nerds, you consider it a good
>language center class.
>- If you're only mocked in public 4 times, you consider it a good day.
>- You love tofu because there's nothing to spit out and it doesn't have any
>- You start saying 'play computer' 'I very like' and other assorted
>- You know exactly what CS is, and you can't live without playing it at
>least once a week.
>- You hold hands with men and think nothing of it.
>- You avoid touching women like they have cooties.
>- You get absolutely knackered at a 12 year old's birthday party while
>playing drinking games with children and munching on turtles.
>- You whole-heartedly agree with things that you don't agree with.
>- You can do almost anything standing on, but not actually wearing, your
>sneakers (i.e. change your pants)!!
>- You've got a pre-paid ticket with a booked seat for a soft-seat train or
>plane, but you still run like mad to make sure you get a seat.
>- You forget that vegetable soup is actually pesticide broth.
>- You laugh and smile when someone calls you a fat pig.
>- You point over your back with your thumb when using the past tense.
>- You watch TV and not know what the hell is going on but enjoy it anyway
>because of the women in the shampoo commercials.
>- You think that America's '60 Minutes' program is 48 minutes of bullshit
>and 12 minutes of commercials, but you can't wait for China's '60 Minutes',
>which will either be 60 minutes of bullshit OR 60 minutes of commercials.
>- You're beginning to like fruit salad and mayonnaise.
>- You've stopped wondering why you only get bread if you order a chicken
>and mayo (mei you 'nothing') sandwich.
>- You eat chocolate from home and: (a) miss the taste of salt and (b)
>bounce off the walls from sugar overload.
>- You've learned that it's okay to be 3 days/weeks late for appointments
>because everyone else is.
>- You've stopped wondering why restaurants don't clean up the barf right
>outside their door.
>- You've stopped wondering why people will step over it to get into the
>- You've used those big toothpicks so often you now have circular gaps
>between your teeth.
>- You just love it when new brethren arrive and give you their list of what
>they will and won't do and eat.
>- You have accumulated hundreds of notes and addresses but you can't read
>any of them.
>- You start making commentaries when watching a VCD/DVD or in a theatre.
>- You think it's pleasurable to ride your bike down the road with 10 tonne
>monster trucks flying past you 2 feet away.
>- You have no qualms that someone who thinks you're stupid and gullable has
>total control over your life.
>- A hike up a mountain calls for a plastic grocery bag full of junk food,
>later you add to the scenery by littering the ground.
>- You love and hate children at the same time.
>- You give names to your roaches and cry if one dies.
>- You know that the New Year's Eve countdown must begin before 11pm or
>you'll be doing it alone.
>- You start thinking instant coffee tastes pretty good.
>- You realize that all wild animals are to be caught and eaten and/or
>ground up for medicine.
>- You wear the same clothes all week because nobody cares.
>- Your biggest decision every morning is matching your tie colour with your
>face mask.
>- Local drinking games are your most effective language learning
>- Your daughter comments "there aren't the flies here, like in Australia",
>as she kicks the shit out of the way.
>- You eat your lunch whilst admiring the live baby rat in a cage (complete
>with watermelon rind for food) your friendly restaurant owner caught and is
>keeping for a pet.
>- Only five minutes of prep time for a unannounced class no longer fazes
>- You begin to question your own pronounciation.
>- When children ask if you like Chinese students you reply "Yes they are
>very delicious" without batting an eye.
>- You plan to ask students questions they must form their own answers to
>and you bring reading material along to occupy your time during the long
>silence that fills the period between you asking the question and the first
>hand that tenatively rises.
>- Being served dog when you go out is no longer your greatest culinary
>- Begin giving the staff ratings on the answers they give you based on
>their creativity rather than their candor or truthfulness.
>- You no longer expect the truth.
>- You can use "face" as a weapon.
>- When you hear "7-Eleven" it reminds you of two of your students

There's A Hero

There's A Hero
Billy Gilman

There's a flower in the smallest garden reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner conquering the night
There is amazing strength in a willing hand
There are victories that you've never planed

There's a hero in everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody burning clear and bright
There's a power in the faintest heart beat that cannot be denied

Go on and trust yourself you can you can ride the wind
your gonna take your dreams where they've never been

There's a hero in everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself you can you can ride the wind
your gonna take your dreams where they've never been

There's a hero in everybody's heart
There's a hero in everybody's heart

Translated by sz









Stop watching movies and begin to care about real lives.





make.conf sample

# ee /etc/make.conf













FreeBSD portsnap的镜像

地址: portsnap.hshh.org

/etc/portsnap.conf 里面更改

fetch 获取数据
extract 释放全部ports
update 更新ports
第一次使用可以 portsnap fetch extract
以后使用可以 portsnap fetch update
如果写在cron可以用 portsnap cron update

Gomorra (2008)





Slumdog Millionaire (2008)













Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)



Admiral (2008)





